(Amended May 10, 2024)
Article 1: Name and purpose of the society
The name of this society shall be The Nordic Comparative and International Education Society (NOCIES). Within the society there may be established national and/or thematic sections, which can carry out their own activity. Such sections must be approved by the Executive Committee.
The general purpose of the society shall be to encourage and promote comparative and international studies in education by
- i) promoting and improving the teaching of comparative education in institutions of higher learning;
- ii) stimulating research in the field;
- iii) facilitating the publication and distribution of comparative and international studies;
- iv) organising conferences and meetings for members and other educationists.
Article 2: Membership
- i) Membership shall be open to
a. persons connected in a professional capacity with comparative and international education,
b. students engaged in comparative and international studies and currently enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program,
c. universities, research institutions, professional institutions, governmental and nongovernmental organisations who would like to become members. Each institution is entitled to one vote.
- ii) Membership is not restricted to those who reside in the Scandinavian countries.
- iii) Regular and institutional membership fees shall be set by the Executive Committee. The student membership fee will be discounted as set by the Executive Committee.
- iii) Membership follows the calendar year and comes into effect through payment of the membership fee directly to the NOCIES’ bank account. The membership fee is due on January 1 each year. Notification shall be sent out to members in advance.
- iv) Only members who have paid their membership fee are eligible for membership entitlements.
Article 3: Executive Committee
- i) The society shall be administered by an Executive Committee consisting of a President, the immediate Past President, a Vice President and four other members. That the GM elect two supplementary members to serve the EC. The role of the supplementary members is to ‘shadow’ ordinary EC members, and have a right to vote at EC meetings in the absence of ordinary EC members.
- ii) Membership of the Executive Committee shall be two years, commencing at the conclusion of the general meeting at which they were elected.
- iii) Members of the Executive Committee may be re-elected, but shall not hold the same position for more than four years.
- iv) Any ordinary member of the society, who has been a member for at least two years and whose membership fees are paid, shall be eligible for election as a member of the Executive Committee.
- v) Call for nomination of members to the Executive Committee shall be sent out no later than two months prior to the general meeting.
- vi) Nomination of members to the Executive Committee shall be sent to the President and Vice President via e-mail no later than 6 weeks prior to the general meeting. The nominee must approve of the nomination. The nominated members will be presented at the NOCIES website and through e-mail correspondence with members.
- vii) Members of the Executive Committee shall be elected from the nominees.
- viii) The election will take place through electronic ballots no later than one week prior to the general meeting and by the members of the society whose membership fees are paid.
- ix) A candidate receiving a majority of the votes cast shall be elected.
- x) The Executive Committee is responsible for:
a. promoting the purpose of the society;
b. planning and organising a meeting for all members in the form of a seminar/conference at least every other year. This seminar/conference is a part of the general meeting;
c. maintaining relations with the committees of other societies in the field of Comparative and International Education.
- xi) The Executive Committee holds meetings when necessary.
- xii) The President shall act as Chair at general meetings and Executive Committee meetings. In the absence of the President, such meetings shall be presided over by the Vice President.
Article 4: Secretary
The Executive Committee shall at the GM at least every two years appoint members as the Secretary and a Treasurer of the Society, who work closely with the Committee. The Committee has the authority to reappoint or to dismiss a secretary and/or treasurer. The duties of the Secretary and of the Treasurer are assigned by the Executive Committee. Any members regarded as competent to perform the duties of Secretary and Treasurer may be appointed to this post.
Article 5: General Meeting
- i) The general meeting of members shall have all powers for achieving the purpose of the society. The following areas shall fall within the competence of the general meeting:
- election of the members of the Executive Committee
- approval of the NOCIES budget and accounts
- amendments of the constitution
- dissolution and liquidation of the society.
- ii) General meetings shall be held at least once every two years at such time and place as the Executive Committee may decide.
- iii) General meetings shall include a business session and a professional session.
- iv) Convening notices shall be sent to all members at least three months prior to the date of the meeting.
- v) An agenda established by the Executive Committee shall be sent to members not later than one month prior to the date of the meeting.
- vi) Except in special cases provided for by the Constitution, decisions shall be carried by a simple majority vote of the members present.
- vii) Each member shall have one vote.
Article 6: Auditing and liability
- i) The accounts of NOCIES and its economical business are to be scrutinised biannually by an auditor who is elected for a period of four years among the members of the society during the general meeting. The auditor cannot be a person who is part of the Executive Committee or the appointed secretary of the society. Every two years the auditor shall present an auditor’s report to the annual meeting of the general assembly.
- ii) Every two years the general meeting of members decides if to adopt the report and approve the accounts of the Executive Committee.
- iii) NOCIES can be dissolved at a general meeting. A two-thirds majority of members voting either at the meeting or by electronic ballot is required. iv) If decision is made to dissolve NOCIES, the assets should be divided in the following order:
a. all debts should be paid;
b. the rest of the assets should be transferred to a new organization in the field of Comparative and International Education or an organization with similar objectives as NOCIES. If this is not possible, the remaining assets should be transferred to charitable purposes.
Article 7: Bylaws
The articles of this constitution may be elaborated in bylaws drawn up by the Executive Committee. They shall be presented to the membership of the society at a general meeting and approved by a simple majority vote. The bylaws shall not include any provisions which run contrary to this constitution.
Article 8: Amendments
This constitution may be amended at a general meeting. A two-thirds majority of members voting either at the meeting or by electronic ballot is required.