NOCIES is a small and regional society with members from inside and outside the Nordic countries.

Members of the society are researchers, teachers, practitioners and students - all with an interest in comparative and international education.

NOCIES member benefits:

  • expanding your Nordic network in the field

  • attendance at research seminars programs and conferences

  • promoting your publications on our website (contact

  • information about the field of comparative and international education

  • publishing in the NJCIE open source journal

  • postgraduate thesis award

The membership fee is low and only to support a minimum of operational costs. Membership annual fees (Jan-Dec):

  • Individuals: 300 SEK
  • Students and retired persons: 150 NOK
  • Organisations: 500 NOK

Attendance at the annual General Meeting is for paid members only. Please ensure payment of your dues before the General Meeting.

The membership fee is payable to Nordea Bank Sweden
Bank name: NORDEA BANK Abp, Sweden
Bank address: Nordea, P1608, 105 71 Stockholm, Sweden
Account name: NOCIES
Account number: 3435 21 54415
Clearing Nr: 3435
IBAN: SE07 3000 0000 0343 5215 4415
Bankgiro: 815-7471
Plusgiro: 214 91 68-3

Please include your name on the payment and ensure to pay the transfer fees (if any) in full.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at

NOCIES business address:

c/o Hellstén. Institutionen Pedagogik och Didaktik, Frescativägen 54, 11418 STOCKHOLM, Sweden, SE

Please fill out this form to join